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(#704 (permalink))
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kitski (Offline)
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08-18-2007, 08:05 PM

hmm it seems that ppl here do not watch naruto shipuuden..or they do watch it but they arent so eagre to talk about it:/
i watched narutos 25th episode..and i feel like i need to talk about it and discuss it.XD' sakura had an antidote.that was surprising i thought that she healed herself somehow...ohh and sasori really is a looks pretty wicked but i just cant understand how can he be alive.he does not have any organs at we know his partner was orocimaru who is the creator of the soul transporting maybe he transformed sasoris soul to a puppetXD.he can live forever now..well thats another theory.that would be cool though.
episode again wasnt interesting at all.naruto was as crazy as ever yelling "give gaara back"..:/..but i have big hopes for the next episode.chijo has ten puppets.and she has to use a secret jutsu that was sealed to use them..sugoi:3
cant wait to see next ep.
ppl rly if u watch naruto why not discuss about it seriously..not like omg sasuke looks cute thats just so lame..sry thats the way i think.>.>

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Last edited by kitski : 08-18-2007 at 08:07 PM.
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