Thread: Lm.c!
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(#414 (permalink))
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kawaiine (Offline)
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08-19-2007, 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by clairebear View Post
Just the age thing, he's saying maya is 18 [impossible xD] and uhh..other stuff that i cant remember. but just sounds like he makes something new up everyday, and its getting a bit weird and tiring tbh. people in this thread are just trying to kinda ignore him now >_<
o i see well it stinks that he [if he is] lied and lost our trust
lieing isnt a good way to meet people
that isnt fun to be non trustful
i heard something along time ago about LMC that they broke up
im not really into the band just heard a lot of there songs
i havnt checked into all of THAT stuff just learnd abit about Maaya

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