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housecat (Offline)
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I've just found this forum - 01-09-2007, 09:41 PM

and the OP seems to be a lovely person who has overcome some incredible difficulties. She seems to be the perfect person to ask, so here goes . . .

I'd like to move to Japan sometime spring 07. I studied Japanese in university, 10 years ago!, and was an exchange student there one summer. I love the Japanese people very much. I'd like to teach English. I realize foreign English teachers are thought of in less than the best terms by many there, but this is what I do! I've taught overseas in s. korea and Taiwan for many years.

Here's the real question: I'm a single mother now, of a 4 year old son who is half chinese. How difficult do you think it might be to move us both there and make a life for us? I've spoken very little Japanese since I graduaged and never was trully good at it then, but there were only 2 Japanese students at my university, so not a lot of chance to practice there, and then I was off to other lands! I visited Japan for a short time just after graduation and remembered more than I thought I'd learned, so I'm sure I could pick it up more and more, but that's less likely if I'm teaching English all day, so. . . .

And how about child care options? I'm sure there are many options, but I'm afraid they might be terribly expensive. What would you suggest?

And I can understand, buy the way, some of the issues of a white girl married to an asian native man. I married a Chinese man and lived with him in Taiwan. We are now getting a divorce, but I know plenty of couples that have made it for a very long time. It's just that usually the asian native is the woman. And all the best for your son!

Thanks for any replies.
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