Thread: DTXmania!!
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CoolNard (Offline)
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08-22-2007, 03:26 PM

You're welcome, it is a rather addictive game. Even if you get bored of it, there will always be more new updates in store! XD

To download the game, go to this website:
DTXMania [Download]
Download anyone of those (under the "DTXMania" column) your gut feeling guides you too =P It's in Japanese, but straightforward enough to navigate through.

As for the songs, you can download them too from here:
GDAmania - Downloads section is back online! - Site announcements - News
On one condition, you have to... REGISTER!!! Yes! Resgister! Don't worry, no strings are attached, they should be completely for free (although I'm afraid some of the links there could have expired )

Now, without further ado, I present one more new video! Oh, curious about my DTX grades you say? Lets see... Well, mine usually ranges from "B" to "S". Almost got "SS" a few times, but hey, even I've never seen anyone getting "Perfect" for all the beats . But I like to think I have decent skills ^_^;. Now, where was I? Oh, right... Without further ado, behold: Dir en grey 予感


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