Thread: Nintendo DS
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(#46 (permalink))
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Darkhatecrew (Offline)
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08-23-2007, 06:54 AM

Still got my reliable ds that I bought when it first was launched here in sweden.

Even though Nds lite Has a lot more good things. But Still I wouldn't want to buy one until they put the power button back where it belongs lol.

Got lots games(too many to count up lol)

But in my opinion the ds is still better than ds lite. EVEN though ds lite is smaller and has more options that makes the gameplay good. I can't say that it's the best of the two systems. Well you might ask me why I think that way and I must answer you with. Look at how the whole nds lite looks like with a gba cartridge inserted. It looks like it got something shoved up somewhere the sun doesn't shine bright. also the powerbutton is on the side wich makes you able to turn it off bu accident.(this would probably happen to me lol. Because I usually have my hands on the side lol ) THere you have wheat I think lol

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