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ajin999 (Offline)
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08-23-2007, 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I`ve lived here 9 and a half years now.

The most interesting place depends very much upon your interests. What I find interesting may not be what you find interesting.

Harajuku is just a shopping district in Tokyo. People like to go there because it is like a little bubble, and it seems like the Japan they WANT Japan to be... But really, it`s just like a little alternative area where people go to run around in weird clothes. (Because it`s one of the only places that they can do so without humiliation.)
..o.o i c...thank you for your information...hehehe...err so can u tell me..for you what is your ineteresting place and where u always travel in japan ?.?...and can u tell me some information about the japanese girl(about their characteristics and attitude)huhuh...?.?

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