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(#460 (permalink))
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Zagato289 (Offline)
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08-23-2007, 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Well, as we own this place, I don`t see any moves in the near future... But you know, 5 years is a very very long time. Not to mention the fact that I have no idea whether I will even feel at all inclined to house anyone at that point.

Don`t you think it`s a bit early to be looking for a place to stay? I`d say about a year in advance is the best bet. You may not even be interested in going to Japan in 5 years.
Thanks for answering Nyororin.

I know it's too early to be thinking where to live in Japan but it's because I don't like to be thinking about that at the last minute.

I want to live in place where no foreigners live or where not a lot of them live.
It's not because I have anything againts them, it's because I don't want to be speaking English in Japan. I want to have Japanese friends and speak the Japanese language with them. Do you know any place like that?

Right now I started learning the language and hopefully by the end of college
I would be able to speak it and write it well.

I want to work as a doctor or anything that has to do in medical in Japan. I never heard anyone that wants to be doctor and work in Japan so I don't know and don't have any information about medical jobs in Japan and what they ask for the job.

For right now, I need to concentrate in my studies and also in learning the Japanese language. I will try to visit Japan first and see if I like it(which I think I will ). If I really like it, I will try to look for a home and also a job the secod time I visit.

If you think I should try a better way of planning of going to Japan, please let me know.

Thank you.

It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."

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