Can someone please these phrases from English into Romanji for me? I would really appreciate any help on this. All of these phrases are from the subs of the Japanese version of the RK OVA: Trust and Betrayal. I would really appreciate it if someone could translate this for me.
1) "Yes, it sold better than I thought, I’m happy…”
2) "You ate it so delicausly, that..."
3) "I just feel tired..."
4) "This evening I had a dream of you..."
5) "“You seem so happy right now…”
6) "Go back the way we came. What are you talking about?"
7) "A bandished sword needs a good sheath. I want to see. I want to see you do your work. I want to see it with my own eyes."
8) "You said that to me on the night we met. You also told me that I could never be happy living an assassin's life. You were right. However, I can't stop killing, yet. The new world will come soon. Once it has arrived, I will seek ways to protect people that will not involve taking lives. I will also look for a way to atone for the terrible things I've done. If you are with me, I'll be able to become a new person..."
9) "I can’t believe someone was actually able to mark you. He must have had great skill. No. Just spite."
10) "I smell perfume. I’m surprised you are familiar with such a sensual scent. Look at her! Nice, eh? I found the spy. Go there. Kill her. I have evidence. Her journal. Remember the man who cut you? She knew him. He was her fiance."
11) "I'm sorry again. I bragged that I would never kill a civilian and now... If you had come any closer than you were...I thought about my answer. Whether I would have killed you, if you had a sword... The answer is no. I wouldn't kill you. Whatever happens, I would never do that to you. Not to you... Never."
12) "Every time I see that cut...I wonder what the person who injured you saw. You say you kill people to make them happy...I really don’t know how happiness can be attained by killing. So you judge people’s right to live...But even that, you leave up to the others. You just do as you’re told! You don't ask, do you? About my personal circumstances.
13) "Everyday, people die for many reasons... Disease, famine, war...I don’t randomly kill people without a reason. If I know a lot about the other person, I’ll have doubts... I do it to change the world, and that’s all the justification I need. I feel bad towards your father... Even if we are married for real, I have not asked your father for permission... And even if we are doing it to cover our tracks, hiding like this is no different than being a fugitive...I don’t really think it’s my place to ask about your past.”
14) "If only I had known this would happen, anata... I would never get so close to you. Gomen nasai...Did you know how much heartbreak I had gone through, after your death? You had one thing on your mind the entire time, and that was my happiness. You tried to make me happy... But in the end... You did the exact opposite...Your killer was the one who truly made me happy."
15) "We’ll make a field. When I was a kid, I helped around the house a lot... It shouldn’t’ be too hard. I didn’t enjoy killing people. Life here... It isn’t boring. It has opened my eyes to various things. Let’s stay together, since I have nothing else to do... I don’t’ know how long it’ll last for... But not for cover-up. For the both of us... Until death do us part."
16) "I don’t want to die... Not just yet. I don’t want to... Tomo—"
I would appreciate it if anyone out there could translate these 16 phrases for me. I know that's its a lot of work, but if you want, you could translate half now and save the rest for later. I would really appreciate it someone could do this for me.
I really loved this OVA and Kenshin and Tomoe's relation really touched me. Their relationship was one like out of a novel and the ending makes me cry each time I hear Tomoe say "Gomen na...sai, ana...ta..." right before she dies.
Thank you very much!