Thread: Japanese Only!
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Suki (Offline)
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08-24-2007, 10:24 PM

Sorry for raising this thread as it was deeply buried but there's something I've been wandering after reading Leocadia's post. That very same thing happens in Spain, it's on the TV every single day even though t's no news anymore. People from Northern Africa arrive here with nothing but hope of a better life and they don't know they've been fooled til they are forced to face the truth, which is far from being what they'd been told.

As for what GourdBreaker said, I agree as long as it doesn't involve moral issues. Arabian people come here and they're allowed to wear their clothing and such, but then when we travell to their countries they won't let us dress the way we want to cause they find it insulting. Something's wrong here, if they can do it without being told off, why can't we?

[Oh sorry, I just realized how offtopic that was... ]

everything is relative and contradictory ~

Last edited by Suki : 08-24-2007 at 10:26 PM.
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