aishiteru bis
Posts: 1,171
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Wonderland
08-25-2007, 08:14 PM
sorry if i'm interupting stuff but i just got done watching Bou's last live and i pretty much cried my eyes out when Kanon, Miku, and Teruki were talking about Bou. i cried for like ever!! it was so sad watching them all cry!! i would have given anything to be there, to see Bou play his last show with An' Cafe.
he may not be in An' Cafe anymore but he will always be in my heart........
Ai Shiteru, Bou.
i always cry out with the music filled with memories of the four seasons....
we shared....
Shunsuke, forever in my heart <3
i own Seika, Tsukasa, Hiroki, Kenzo, Tooru, Ruka, Mofto, Ediee, Ryuto, Sou, Enik, Hiko, Death-O, Nii, Ryohei, Keita, Ryuichi half of Teruki and half of Kei
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