Re: -
08-26-2007, 05:38 AM
Would you happen to use an instant messenger of some sort MMM? I use MSN primarily -reason I ask is, I have a few more questions I'd like to ask you in chat if that's not a problem.
I was wondeing, besides teaching, is their any sort of other job opportunities in Japan for a foreignor? What if I want to move to Japan and find a career to stay with for several years other then teaching? From what I've been reading all over the web, teaching is not what people say it's like. Are their any jobs involving a trade a foreignor could get once he or she is fluent in Japanese? Anything at all besides teaching?
Teaching wouldn't be bad for getting a "foot in the door" in the Japanese environment, with a much bigger advantage to learn Japanese from total immersion. However, I don't see myself teaching English for the rest of my life. I'd like to know if their are any other opportunities available to a foreignor who's determined to make it in Japanese society once a foreignor is fluent in both reading and writing Japanese. I'm not expecting to land a top paying executive job but anything other then teaching. Something like a job where I'm more involved with other Japanese, speaking Japanese.
Last edited by johnnyboydave : 08-26-2007 at 06:50 AM.