Thread: Seeking advice
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JF Ossan
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08-26-2007, 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by johnnyboydave View Post
You've just about answered all my questions. Thanks a bunch. What I've decided to do, before I look into getting a 4 year degree, is find out what jobs are in demand in Japan for permanent residents so that when I choose a degree, it is going to actually benefit me. Game design is still looking good, although I'm still pretty young and having a hard time deciding on whether I want to take a risk and get a degree in game design when I may or may not be able to land a job in that field once I've made the move to Japan. My priorities now look like this:

1. Become semi-fluent in Japanese
2. Decide on what field to earn a 4 year degree
3. Find out more information on English teaching companies in Japan
That sounds like a good plan, John. Keep in mind that unless you have a Master's Degree, it really doesn't matter what your degree is in to start work in Japan. Part of the reason is that Japanese students work their asses off to GET INTO college, but then after that they pretty much check out for four years. It's the GETTING IN that counts, and graduating is a natural consequence. Unlike in the US where getting into college isn't the problem, but GRADUATING is the hard part (for some). Having a 4-year-degree means you got into college, and that is the sign of a hard worker.

A little messed up logic, but reality.
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