Thread: Seeking advice
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(#23 (permalink))
johnnyboydave (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 25
Join Date: Aug 2007
Re: - 08-26-2007, 12:42 PM

If I truly just want to remain in Japan, what would you say, in your own opinion, is the best degree to shoot for? I mean, if I planned to remain in the USA, it would be a whole lot different getting a degree. But if I want to make it in Japan, what degree would you most suggest above all to get for a 4 year degree? Let's just assume for a minute I'm getting permanent residency eventually.

With that said, I'll now ask - are the degrees in Japan on the same basis as those here in the USA? Or does a degree earned here in the USA not matter at all in Japan as long as it is a degree? I wouldn't think this but I just wanted to put the question out there.
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