Thread: Genki textbooks
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(#10 (permalink))
pandayanyan (Offline)
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08-27-2007, 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by Xuande View Post
I'm using the Genki 1: An integrated course in elementary japanese right now and I was wondering if anybody else here has used it and whether or not I should get the workbook and audio cds that come with it. I seem to be doing ok so far even though I'm only at chapter 3 but I don't know exactly how well I'd do in an actual conversation which is why I was wondering if it would be well worth it to get the cds and workbook that go with the textbook.
I have used this series our college used them for japanese 1 2 and 3 and i would say the cds are important but the workbooks are optional. the book give syou enough work to do that you COuld learn it all from there if you need the xtra practice and cant write out your own questoins and answers then go with the workbook. Also the cd is vital. I went through it thinking im doing good and when I took the class totally bombed b/c conversation and reading Japanese are almost completelyt different you hear a word in your head and hear it when somone says it in a sentence quick with otherwords in there completely different. I would suggest starting with the book and then when you feel comfoprtable that you know enough vocabulary try to pik out word s you know in the cd or in video games or japanese movies from what they are saying. That is what I did and it helped allot. There really is no quick solution to learingin a new language... everything about it is foriegn...
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