Thread: Seeking advice
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(#37 (permalink))
johnnyboydave (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 25
Join Date: Aug 2007
Re: - 08-30-2007, 02:55 AM

In any case, from what I have read, it is true that if you are married to a permanent resident Japanese native, you can apply for permanent residency after 5 years. That's what I was getting to when I made that sarcastic remark.

I read the links you posted and understand what visas you get for what job you have. However, my question was asking what the chances are for a foreignor to land a job, once he or she has obtained permanent residency, in a field other then that of which he or she has been working up until permanent residency. The links you have provided give information on the types of visas available to foreignors, depending on their occupation. However, this pertains to foreignors who go to Japan with jobs they hold from wherever they are from, not from within Japan. From what I have read, going to Japan and applying for a job with a visa doesn't get you a job, except for those jobs within Japan which are centered around hiring foreignors on working visas (such as teaching their native language within Japan, English primarily).

My plan is to get into Japan with teaching English as my ticket. Once I have permanent residency, I would like to look into making a career change. I have no desire to spend the rest of my life teaching English. I would like to do something else within Japan which does not pertain to English.

By the time I can apply for permanent residency, I will be fluent in Japanese. Hence my question asking what the chances are for someone who has come to Japan as a foreignor but obtained permanent residency, getting a job by applying to a Japanese company from within Japan. Not the latter - going to Japan with a high demanded foreignor job like teaching. Basically put, I want to work a job like any Japanese native, next to Japanese natives, once I've gotten permanent residency. A job which is worked primarily by Japanese natives. Not a job foreignor based. That is my dream. I am seeking information on whether or not this dream is realistic or not.

If someone knows, I'd greatly appreciate a response. I'm not just asking this question here. I'm also asking it on other forums so I can get an idea from several sources on whether or not my dream is entirely possible. Thank you in advance. If the way I worded my question before was not clear enough for you samoken, I apologize. I think this edit makes my question and intentions quite clear this time.
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