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rachelsweet (Offline)
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08-30-2007, 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by Cyclamen View Post
Cigarettes in japan are really really cheap. (that is, compared to the prices in Europe..)
And there are tons of flavours: in a jidouhanbaiki (vending machine) in Kyoto I saw together chocolate flavoured, melon flavoured, vanilla flavoured, strawberry flavoured, cherry flavoured and "black" flavoured cigarettes. And a lot of people smoke menthol cigarettes.

But if you're 15, you won't be sold any. And if you get them in a jidouhanbaiki and the cops make you show your ID, and thus find out you aren't allowed to smoke, you'll be in trouble.
I'll be legal by the time I go to Japan. xD

( ̄ω ̄ ) Wannabe 入れ墨の芸術家
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