Vote the best Avatar Thread! -
01-12-2007, 11:04 PM
Vote on the person's avatar above you and I'll keep a record! 1 being the worst and 10 being the best! So let's go. Vote each other's avatars. This should be fun. ^_^
One Rule though: You can't change your avatar for a better rating inside this thread. I'm pretty sure I'll tell if you change your avatar! If you do change your avatar, you will get new votes, and the old one will be erased. Sounds fair enough....
If someone is voted upon multiple times I will post the average of the votes that the person got.
So far as of Post 65 the scores go:
Kanji - 8.20
CrimsonNataku - 8.20
Kuroneko - 8
Lehmki- 8
Koaku- 7.3
Hisuwashi- 7 (changed to: wolf avatar)
Ichirin- 7 (changed to: Vincent avatar)
Gwen_Goth- 6.80
Vesperd- 6.70
Tenchu- 4
KEEP ON RATING! AND POSTING! We have barely any avatars rated here!
Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 01-18-2007 at 07:23 PM.