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(#40 (permalink))
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enyafriend (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 176
Join Date: Mar 2007
09-01-2007, 01:12 AM

yo you said you wanna use real everyday life 日本語 but all the stuff you put up is easy try real words
the following words I have no idea how to express in english but understand could you help me out
Actually, this should be in the Japanese Language Help thread instead of here.
However, since no one is answering this, I'll explain them here.

しょうがない is actually short for しかたがありません、しかたがない。We use しょうがないin colloquial speech. I often find this expression complicate, but at the same time, handy. Handy, because you can use this in many situations and complicate, because it's meaning can change accordingly.
あの子はしょうがない子だ。 That child is impossible.
今日は厚くてしょうがない。It's just too hot today.
もう壊れたからしょうがない。It's already broken. There's nothing much that you can do about it.

やっぱり can be loosely translated as after all, indeed, anyway, etc. Again, this expression, like しょうがない、can be used in many ways and in varies situations.
やっぱりそうだ!I knew it!
やっぱり行かないよ。I won't be going after all.
やっぱりダメだ。It's useless, indeed.

これみようがし is to flaunt, to show off, ostentatiously
これ見よがしに見せる to flaunt
これ見よがしに~する to exagerate
胸をこれ見よがしに突き出す to flaunt one's bosom

Hope that helps.

Hokkaido e ikitai........

Last edited by enyafriend : 09-01-2007 at 08:04 AM.
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