09-01-2007, 10:34 PM
i like playing everything at 100fps
it sharpens my eyes(probably why i wear glasses.lol)
i agree with Excessum UT 2004 BABY!
but i can wait till 2007 comes out. that will rock the world a new age over
i have always love the UT series(i have played and completely mastered every UT game since the first!)
i still play UT the original every once in a while...
there is a new shooter that (i cant remember the name right now[i think total war....]) but it is supposed to be able to handle 50+ members( the maps make UT maps look like the small cubicles i play in. XD) i really want to see how well they do that one
and of course i really want to see H3 and how well they do that one(it better live up to its current rep[and surpass it])
as far as counterstrike it has always been a legendary fps and will always be treasured.
the other major FPS that rocked the gaming worlds i believe are Doom (1,2, and 3) Quake(all 4) and half life(although im embarrased to say it i have not played XD)