Originally Posted by jamiemc60
a tim aswell mcculloch? ;]
haven't filled it in myself...
Favourite Japanese club?
Kashima Antlers
Best player in Japan?
Shinji Ono... as much as it pains me to say it
Best Japanese Player playing abroad?
Again, Shunsuke.
Favourite all-time Japanese player?
Hidetoshi Nakata.
Favourite year for the Japanese National team?
Has to be 2002
and finally...
Any recomendations to improve the quality of soccer in soccer in general?
More exposure! The quality of J-League soccer is very very high. It's certainl one of the more fast paced leagues around. More exposure would change peoples perception of it.
a fellow bhoy eh! good to see

and Shunsuke is the man best Japanese player of all time what you thinking :P im bias wherebouts in Glasgow you from??