Thread: Anime Vs. Manga
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(#2 (permalink))
Aleesunz (Offline)
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09-07-2007, 11:21 PM

Hmm I dunnp.

I like both anime and manga, and for different reasons.

Anime - Just to seatdance to the op. themes before watching theem : D

And also, becasue you can eh, see a small portion of their lives acted out for you by pixels

Mangaaa - You can make up the voice+/ colours in yer head <3

Arrrtt *__*~

Most of the time I love getting teh anime and manga of the same thinger though just for the sake of it and sometimes their also different.

Hmm, cannae think of any examples right now apart from Gravitation (XD it actually IS guid so STFU D: )

The anime misses out some main bits in the manga which irks me slightly.

But aye.

./Let's Pretend We Don't Exist, Let's Pretend We're In Antartica

x~ ;p
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