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(#5 (permalink))
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Powermad147 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 575
Join Date: Sep 2007
09-12-2007, 02:20 AM

Hmmm...I don't know all that much about the rest of them, but Naruto Meets FF hooked me quickly enough. First suggestion, whatever you do, NO amnesia, and avoid orphans. There both overused ideas, try something more original.

Character Idea!! =D I would like to make a character suggestion: How bout a young man clad in Black leather, with a broken smile and a blue overcoat. A character like that would often match up with a personality similar to Fei, from Tsubasa; Hides his pain behind a mask. It would be cool to add in a character like that somewhere...

Sorry if this is no help at all...I just started and It's not like I'm an expert, so please excuse me if I put down a stupid idea =P
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