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CrimsonNataku (Offline)
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01-15-2007, 04:45 AM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
Wow, good for you. I am so happy to educate people about RPG games, and you were in need ^_^.

Usually I play all my games late at night. and stay up late. There is never enough time in a day to do all that I want to. Between drawing and everything else games come last. and games are one of the best things.

Are they any other RPGs that you want me to recommend? I have more.

What games do you usually play. Fighting? Shooter? Have any recommendations for me besides Tales of the Abyss????


If I have to stay up late, it's because I need to finish some work that didn't get finished during the day. In a week, I probably get no more than 3 hours to play games. And that's if I'm lucky ^_^;

I've seen your gallery thread, your art is really wonderful. Have you ever considered selling prints or something?

I only really play RPGs. I have a lot of friends who love shooter games, but I can't play them because they make me dizzy and nauseous. I also like games like DDR, which is my favorite non-RPG game. I've also enjoyed playing games like SSBM and Soul Calibur...Even though I suck at them ^_^;

So, yeah, if you have any other RPG or other game recommendations, I would love to hear them... Though it would take me a while to get around to playing them ^_^;;;

How about you, though? What kinds of games do you like to play? Aside from the ones you've already mentioned, that is. ^_^

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