Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer
My favorite character is:
Hwand Seung Kyung! who's yours?
Dark Cloud 1 is sooo much fun, you need to find it and start over. There is alot to do and it is a worthy RPG. It is better then Dark Cloud 2 I think. Have you ever played Dyansty Warriors? or Shadow Hearts? <--RPG!
Oh my gosh, it's the same for me! Kilik is a close second, but Seung Kyung is my favorite as well.
Crap, you really are making me want to throw my studies out the window and just play video games for a week. I mean that in a good-ish way. I'm glad that Dark Cloud 1 is a good game.
I have heard of Dynasty Warriors, but never played it.
What's Shadow Hearts?