i write all day so my speeling is off, that what happens when u rely on speel check. and the ideas are so helpful. it's nice to know what ppl want so i can work towards that.
okay a bit of Exkalibur (loooooooooong story why i spelled it with a k, no it's not a typo) anyway the main characters are Prophecy (coff trademarked coff) Iva (coff trademarked coff) {okay no ones gonna get the coff joke so let me stop} Reno and Zauke. there kindda partenters that all have the Celestial Kurse (not a typo) but having the kurse isn't a good thing but it's a powerful thing. so. Prophecy's older twin eventually wants his powers. at the start of the story Sin (his brother) is portrayed as a good character but soon becomes bad. none of them know that they have the kurse until one day the 4 elemental seals break and they faint for no apperant reason, when they wake up there at a phophets house that let them kno everything...
any who theres more but i want to kno what u think so far, pls comment, it really helps. thx. (coff, TRADEMARKED, coff) is anybody getting this?