Thread: Gackt
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ReiIsMyAlterEgo (Offline)
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09-18-2007, 01:15 AM

all purpose and portable furniture!! i like your idea... however he'll need more than one ^_^ he'll need all three of us, or four... lol.

ahhh and did people hear the awesome news of Gackt's World Domination??? it's in motion!!! he is releasing ALL of his collection on iTunes in 22 countries ^_^ isn't that great?? and of course the release of Blue and Red in America (yeah, you all probably know this one already). and his releasing some albums in 38 (or some number like that) different European countries.

only, Australia is stupid and still left out. >_<

but Congrats to Gacchan!!! ^_^

Last edited by ReiIsMyAlterEgo : 09-18-2007 at 01:19 AM.
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