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Shadowulf (Offline)
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Location: Australia
09-19-2007, 06:00 AM

lol ummm yeh well sorry to get back on topic, but anyway =P

i havent read that jap exchange list yet, but
ummm i may have read wrong, but im assuming that all those exchanges you had were with japanese girls? im thinking that those girls were mostly emailing you coz they were seeking a relationship or something
and from my experience to japan, most of the ones that use thier phone for emailing rather than getting a boyfriend in japan, are the ones hunting for mostly ummm non asian people

I dont think its because they have some hatred towards asian countries, its just that, jap girls LOVE white guys for some reason lol

i exchange emails with many of my friends in japan, and a lot of them are girls around my age. But we both know we're not looking for a relationship online, so we're always emailing and stuff, (oh and im australian born chinese/malaysian btw)
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