I'm not wikipedia freak, but
jp wikipedia:
上記の通り『フリクリ』という言葉に語意は無く、擬音 が変化した単なる造語である。
As mentioned in the above, furikuri has no meaning, it is simply the coined word (by director) from an onomatopoeic word.
しかし日本語の擬音を英訳する事は非常に困難であった ため、
But, because it was very difficult to translate a Japanese onomatopoeia into English,
『フリクリ』とは女性の胸に関する愛情表現のスラング である、と勘違いしてしまった日本国外のファンが多数 いた模様。
it seems that there were many overseas fans who have mistaken the meaning of "Furi Kuri" is "Breast Fondling" in slang of Japanese.
en wikipedia:
A common mistake by English-speaking fans is to say that the meaning of "Furi Kuri" in Japanese is "Breast Fondling." This mistake arises from the fact that "kuri kuri" is occasionally used by manga artists as a sound effect for breast fondling.
furi doesn't mean a boob or any other sexual parts even in an argot. it is a mimetic word means 'swing'.
and kurikuri isn't always used only for breast fondling. it also used for to express the rounded things or to turn little objects.
therefore we don't imagine furikuri has a sexual meaning. (I think 'swing and turn' is similar to 'rock and roll'??)
Maybe, your Japanese teacher say this is neither onomatopoeia nor a slang word nor an argot in Japanese, this is not japanese word. she/he would not blush. and you won't be accused of sexual harassment.^^
and also japanese anime otaku does not use to furikuri as a sexual word. it's simply anime title.
by the way, we don't generally think 'bukkake' has a sexual argot. and pedobear is not pervert in Japan, called kumaa.