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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Norway/Norway
09-19-2007, 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Hey hey hey, I like Silent Hill as much as the next red blooded earthling, but lets not go overboard...
I like really only Silent Hill 2. I found the story compelling and good. It was interesting the character they used for that. Such an average normal bloke from middle america, made such a great story. Loved it. The rest were a bit too abstract for me though. Maybe the first was alright, but PSONE sux a bit, I am sure you all understand...
Hm, but Resident Evil IS good. Dont say it isnt. The best were #1, and #4. #2, #3 and Nemesis were good, but Outbreak and other spinoffs had alright fun for a bit, but a very short life for the game. Om what am I saying but Final Fantasy rules all!
Oh, might I add, the movie is among the top 5 I have ever seen as well, along with I think maybe Fearless, Fist of Legend, and various other Jet Li movies...
It ISENT.....
I had a sandwich in my head!!!!!!