09-20-2007, 08:22 PM
Derail is another way of saying u r starting to spam a thread.
For example: The topic is coats.But you start to talk about how ur dog likes to run in circles around ur couch, thats derailing.
And we're doing it right now so just PM me or whoever u want to talk to.
MOM- Yuri Yuri r- IonFortuna
Stalker To-Excessum GirlFriend to-TheUnknown
Crazy Brother-Narutocrazy101
Big Brother- SeeD
Gatekeeper-animedude3 -Tasty Cream Pie To-Diru0gaze
Son-Thunda Talkative romantic brother-Powermad147
Auntie-tiki808 Auntie to- Eiri& ML
Kittie w/ Wings-Hoshichan 'ly Camera Vixen- Pjok
+~Member of the Tenjho Tenge Clan
Member-Maya Natsume+~ Member of the THE PERVY CLUB!! ~+MeMbEr Of ThE VaMpIrE cLaN+~
Last edited by QuoyaNatsume : 09-20-2007 at 08:24 PM.