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Nico (Offline)
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Join Date: Sep 2007
need to write a note, help please - 09-21-2007, 03:21 AM

Hi there,

I'm a japanese student at a school in Omiya living in Kawagoe with a friend, but I have just rented a new appartment, I plan to start sleeping in it from next monday.

However last evening I went to drop some stuff there and heard some music from the neighboor, so I want to leave a note on his door today asking him to keep it low at night starting on monday because I'll be living there.

But, I'm not very jozu yet with the japanese language, so I need some help writing the note. And I cant ask the friend I'm living with because he's on a trip right now.

Here's the message, if you could correct the japanese and turn the parts in () into Japanese (in romaji please)that would be very helpful.

"Kino, apaato he kimashita (to leave some things there, and heard some music through the wall).
Getsu yobi kara, watashi wa (almost) mainichi koko de nemasu.
Dakara, onegai shimasu, 11 ji kara ongaku o chiisaku shite kudaisaimasu ka.

Arigatou gozaimasu

Nicolas (the new neighboor from room 12)"
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