22. When given a business card or a personal contact card, hold it with both hands and look at both sides. Take 5 seconds to look at it before you shove it in your pocket or wallet.
It is extremely rude to just take a card and put it right in your pocket.
Exchanging cards is a big deal in Japan.
Grab the card with BOTH hands and do a slight bow.
theres more to it if you are in business but if you want that info jus pm me
*im not talking about random flyers and things of that nature*
I recommend just one change here.
NEVER put someones business card in your wallet. Get a proper business card case and store it there. Keep the case in your briefcase or in your jacket pocket.
If you are attending a meeting, take the business cards and sort them on the table in front of you in the seating order of those attending the meeting. This way you'll get better at remembering their names. This is considered proper...