09-21-2007, 03:31 PM
I have a question that you may not know the answer to so I'm hoping you can find out.
Next month I'll start traveling to Japan on a regular basis. I'll be staying in Ginza. I want to frequent some of the Guitar shops in one of Tokyo's outlying areas (the name eludes me at the moment)
My question is whether or not it is proper for a customer to simply take a guitar off the wall and start playing it. This is very normal in the US. Some times people will ask for a salespersons assistance (especially if the guitar is stored up high) but usually customers can just help themselves.
Japan is known for building some very good electric guitars (especially at the FujiGen factory) they have a build quality that is at lease equal to Gibson (the top American builder) I want to buy some of those great Japanese guitars that aren't available in the states (Japanese Fenders, Tokai, Edwards) These are usually a lot more affordable than their American counterparts. Some, such as the Fender Jaguar, are highly desirable in the States.
I know it is a rather specific question, so I understand if you don't know. If you know anyone that does know, can you please ask?
Thanks in advance...