Hi, just like the previous RPG-tale, this will be kind of the same, though it's very different. Here we'll make rules for your writting and most of all, i consider this as some sort of experiment -> If everyone controls a character and writes some lines of what they are currently doing at that time, it'll eventually make a story. I will copy and paste all things said here and paste them into a Word document. So eventually when we've reached the end of our 'journey' it'll make a hopefully nice story (of the fantasy-type offcourse ).
Everyone will make teams of 2, you can post teams here together with your character 'stats' (which means their details, what kind of person and so on)
We work with teams of 2, 'cause if someone can't come online for a while the other teammate will take resposibility for his mates actions. In other words, he'll control the character for a while. It'll come in handy if the teams contain some sort of brother/sister, or just a close band. Though there pretty much options to choose from, there should be balance in the teams.
For example: A warrior with a Great Sword together with his little sister who's a Magician.
We'll play and write this story in a Medieval type of world, with swords, katana's, daggers, bows, magicians. Offcourse me as 'Admin' and 'Supervisor' I will get a character with Guns

but i will have handicaps and so on, so that the game will be fair to play/write for everyone.
When the characters are posted with there stats and teams, i will put you in a random town around on the map of Etrirea (World we play in).
The goal of each team is the same so that we'll have to take on the 'End-Boss' together with all teams. Untill that time we'll just wander around the world seeking for revenge/money/status/girl/boyfriends/love.
When you start writting after you've given your character details. You have
20 lines every time you write something, there will be no double-posts to get more lines. If you are taking over for a friend you'll be given 40 lines offcourse.
The world contains Dragons and Humans who live amongs eachother, but there are Dragon Rebels who which to destroy mankind. (this is what the thread is about)
No misbehaving if the other character doesn't want it, and no pervers behavior.
Things to Do :
- Create a character with your stats (details, a picture would come in handy)
- Write with who you want to form a team.
- Descide if you want to be put in a certain town. (5 towns to choose from)
Things not to Do :
- Start writting allready, we'll wait until we're with altleast 4 players, on which more players can join.
- Start writting how much you hate this thread.
- Start dying
Map :
This map can be adjusted by the user from the area he's in or by the Admin (Ichirin).
Asgard: Capitol of Etrirea
Shanzûn: River streaming trough Asgard.
Thâk Sûl: Sister town of Mas Thâk, small town in the middle of a dense forest.
Mas Thâk: Large town in the middle of a jungle, viscious creatures and bandits lay awake for weak preys.
Branch: Largest river in Etrirea, named after the shape of a branch of a tree.
Misty Mountains: Highest mountains in Etrirea, peaks filled with snow.
Disan: Large city by the sea. Lot's of sailors here.
Disan-River: River running past the city of Disan.
Bachuu: City in the middle of the desert, only city where there's a population above 500 that lies in the Desert.
Dragon Mountains: Mountains once forged by dragons to keep people away.
Dragon City: a city controlled by dragons.
Dragon's Lair: it's a mistery what lies in the highest peak of Etrirea.
Questions :
Any further questions will be answered in PM's, so PM me for questions.
Character :
Name: Ichirin (flower)
Age: 15
Height: 4 feet (1m 50 cm, small)
Weight: not much, very light.
Weapon: Dual Guns (Admin-weapon)
Further Details: Ichirin is an arrogant little stubborn boy, he has no family left after his mother and father were burned by a dragon-rebel. Seeing the fiery breath made him blind for life. Because he's blind his other senses increased and he can hear from a very wide distant. He has White long hair and a black blindfold. He wears a black long coat with white flowers drawn on the arms. Underneath that he wears a white t-shirt and a white long pants.
Team: team 1 together with Kanji, if he agrees.
City: Disan, the sailor-city.