Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#36 (permalink))
Kanji_The_Wanderer's Avatar
Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
Posts: 1,583
Join Date: Oct 2006
01-17-2007, 12:55 AM

So the girl wants to race to a bar? I laughed to myself. Won't she be in for a surprise. She have a great jumping power, But I am full of Elvish gizmos.

I pulled a small blue pill out of my pouch. The pill was hollow, and on the inside was a small piece of a feather.

I swallowed the pill with a big gulp. Not long after two wings came forth from my back. I had used this trick many times.

Everyone of the bystanders were in awe of what I did, and all started talking loudly amongst them selves.

"oh geez...I started another scene, well..this is all they'll see."

I beat my wings and took flight over the houses passing the girl on the rooftop. I started flying hard to a bar I saw from the sky.

I land in front of the bar. The moment I land my wings start to go away. I drop to one knee because of the pain... "damn, I'm going to need a new cape and shirt. I put holes in this one..again...

I stand in front of the bar and wait for the jumping girl to come. She lands without a sound in front of me.
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