01-17-2007, 01:30 AM
A ninja huh? I was confident that I had beaten you....Oh well, I can't win them all can I?
I stand up slowly, my shoulder blades sting from where the wings had sprouted. I hadn't done the wing trick in a long time, so it hurt more then usual.
"yeah whatever, I'll get you some lunch...I have some extra gold from yesterday, so I don't care." The ninja girl looked delighted.
We both entered the bar, it was stuffy in there. Alot of smoke was in the air from all the tobacco. It was an awful scent. The lights were dim and there was alot of clinking of cups and plates. I found a deserted table in the corner. I pointed the table out to the girl.
"over there, that's our spot." I sat down at the table, the girl sat across from me. I placed Sora (my sword) by my side. "order whatever you want"...I tossed the menu in front of me to the girl.
"I'll buy you lunch...As a reward, before I start asking you questions about earlier: concerning that blind kid, all you have to do is give me you name...."