Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#42 (permalink))
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Tenchu (Offline)
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01-17-2007, 02:19 AM

Tenchu -

I turned around to see a girl standing in front of me, not more than 7 years old. She was wearing a indigo colored lacy skirt and a matching crop top. She had indigo colored slippers on and indigo socks pulled up past her knees. She was holding out her hand, she had just dropped a sword on the ground, that is what the sound was. The sword was as tall as her, it was a huge broad sword. She was very pretty, she had long straight blonde hair and white, tanned skin. Blue eyes and perfect teeth. I asked her "Hello, what is your name?" She just stood there, staring, but not at me, more so past me. I looked behind me to see what she was looking at, there was nothing there. Then she said; "Elsa, my name is Elsa de-Sica..." Her arm remained held out in the air. What was wrong with her? Was she the one who wrote the script? It seemed unlikely, considering she was 7 and the handwriting was so neat... I picked up the script, and asked "Is this yours?" ... She didn't not speak. Her arm lowered down slowly and she said then; "Where are you going?" ... I paused. I didn't know. I was about to tell her I had no idea when I had this feeling of intuition come over me and words just came out of my mouth; "I am going to Disan, I must see someone there..." Where did that come from, I thought? Just then she nods slowly and paces over into a clear part of the cave, she kneels down and starts digging a hole. I wonder what she is doing as I eye her off... She was very pretty... And looked real soft and warm. Just then she pulls out of the ground a piece of paper. She stands up and throws it to me. "Here", she says. I unroll the paper and see another message;

"Run dream, run on. Pass beyond the waking, and walk into the light..."

It was the same handwriting as Aieshas words... Just then she walks up to me and says something, but I could not make it out. I was staring into her eyes when she caught me completely by surprise and struck me in the center of my chest with an open hand... I was, once again, unconcious...
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