Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#43 (permalink))
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DarkLuminosity (Offline)
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01-17-2007, 02:38 AM

"This is ridiculous"... did I say after a moment of reflection. "I should just stop beeing that careless! That's it! I'm a new me! I'll go to the nearest city and build my own life!"

Those words in my head were so clear. Hey! I could be who ever I wish! If I decide to move to Asgard Etrirea, It's all about me! No one knows me outside of the desert! (I'm not sure anyone does actually KNOW me inside Bachuu anyway -_-; I could decide to be a renown warrior or an evil mage! yeah!!! FEAR ME BWHAHAH!! OR!! I could move to Disan And become a sailor! And live on a boat and.. and...

all those toughts were going around in my head... This was just to gorgeous for me... I could this be my life? mine? a little kid from the middle of nowhere?

"Who cares anyway? That's it, I'll become who ever I want!"
But... what do I really want to become... everything seems so cool.. I just want to taste every single way I could go!

Maybe I should go directly to Asgard then.

"I'll have to leave the city for Disan if I don't want to cross the branch river... but there is no way I could do the travel all alone I mean... If something happens, no one would be here to help?"

If I walk it would take me an entire week!! And I have no ressources, I can't borrow too much food and water or it would take even longer!... Maybe I'll stole granpa's old horse... he was going to die anyway.. so if he die in the middl of the desert... I could eat it...

"uu.. I'm disgusting"

Mkay, Ive got nothing to lose then!! Backup to the tent! *****

Oreta tsubasa wo habatakase,
Subete wo keshite miseyou
Itsu no hi ka owari wo mukaeru
Saigo no kane ga nariyamu made
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