Thread: The JF God
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(#68 (permalink))
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TheUnknown (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 538
Join Date: Sep 2007
09-23-2007, 08:59 AM

LOL, she voted for me is just too shy to admit it!
Face it, HoseTacs days are over, girls want real men with hairs on their chest!
@Tenchu, ha.. i see.. Man! am i getting rusty.. wow! you got like 7 votes, that's amazing! HAHA!! maybe you're right :P

i voted for...theunkown!
lol his unknownness is cute..
too bad hes already taken by forgotenmemory
@Katchan6, *tears coming out* I'm forever in your debt :P thank you! :P joking about the "debt" part. hehe... :P

@Tenchu Ur not ugly but wat u write makes u ugly & stop hating on Housetek!!
@QuoyaNatsume, I agreed.. what's with the freaking penis thing... *look away*...

WHF? how does Tenchu have 7 votes???? He barely had one on the other thread... Has he been creating accounts all day and voting?
@pandayanyan, lol. maybe thats why.. couldn't figure it out before..

mmm yea,, orginally me kai and choco were top 3 i think...

tenchu even complained but not having any votes... all the sudden 7 pop out of no where
@Housetek, all i can say is the work of God :P or maybe just the work of Tenchu. lol

you're right, he probably is cheating.
HAHA!! he desperate to win!

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