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(#12 (permalink))
roy (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 12
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Tokyo, Japan
09-23-2007, 03:01 PM

If anyone is interested.... here is the link

1. SET UP - download a sip phone, and setup
2. call a number of phrases you like to practice.
ex. call "001-001-14" if you want to practice "こんにちは"
3. you hear "こんにちは" from the phone, and after that, it says "press 1 to send a reply, or pound to cancel" (This is a strange sentence, but since I don't speak English, I have to use the default voice. I'm looking for the volunteers who records the correct sentence)
4. press 1, and you hear the beep.
5. say "こんにちは"
6. press "#"
7. you hear you saying "こんにちは".
8. if you don't like how you said, go number 4. if you pronunce correctly, press #
9. done

10. after practicing by yourself, you can attend the meeting to test.

This is the draft version. I will delete the contents/account after the test period(2 weeks) is over. So, please go ahead and test anything you want.

Thank you.

Last edited by roy : 09-23-2007 at 04:14 PM.
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