Random lost person
Posts: 739
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Florida
09-23-2007, 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by DietWeebs
Lol, I wonder how many exist ?
In a few hours I will be shunned by half of JP for saying such a "rash" statement, others will ignore it but secretly agree or disagree.
My Property:Pexster, Slykaz1
If the ocean was vodka and i was a duck,
i would go to the bottom and drink my way up
but the ocean isn't vodka and i'm no duck
so pass up the bottle and shut the hell up!
Score: Eiri: 43 Slykaz1: 78Rojjin: 59 Yuna7780: 79 reihino:15 Crani:22 Ramones1976:0 AnimeBaby:3 Arikado:1 Kikibunny23:3