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(#14 (permalink))
Gloobey (Offline)
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Posts: 6
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Komae-shi, Tokyo
01-17-2007, 02:21 PM

Yes, when I say that everyone outside Japan does things better I genuinely believe that to be the case. The point I’m making here is it would appear there are two ways of doing things in the world - the way the rest of the word does it and the Japanese way! The Japanese remain largely closed minded to how things are done in the rest of the world, and that makes doing business with them very hard at times.

This is not a racist slur and you are being stupid saying it is. Because that is the case, I won’t dwell on that point and will move on. I would just say that this is the last occasion on which I will forgive being called a racist.

As for the way women are treated here in Japan, have you ever wondered why it is so common - again, almost acceptable - for men to have affairs and why their wives accept this so readily? It is because men are not legally bound to pay anything towards the raising or welfare of their children following divorce, meaning that wives are often left almost destitute following such a development. When I was told this by a divorcee friend of mine, I simply wouldn’t believe it was the case. Further investigation has proven this to be true. The government does not see this as any of their business and it is left up to the man to make restitution, which in many cases he doesn’t do. Because of this, women tend to keep their mouths shut and let hubby get on with what he wants to do.

I also dislike the way women are treated in the media and the whole pink thing, which nauseates me.

OK, got that off my chest. Why am I here? Beats me....I will be returning to the UK in a few years time so that my son can be educated in a style more befitting my personal ideology. At least in the UK he will taught - as I was - about the British concentration camps during the Boer war and England’s part in the 1839 potatoe famine in Ireland. If he is educated here, he won’t ever be taught about the Nanking massacres...which of course never happened anyway.

I am proud of his half Japanese heritage and I shall urge him to return to Japan as often as is possible and, if later in life, he chooses to live here I will be only too happy for him. Whatever makes him happy. For me, the wholly superficial nature of Japan is simply unsatisfying. I shall look back on my time here as a worthwhile experience but, I fear, very little fondness.
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