Thread: The JF Goddess
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(#56 (permalink))
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NanteNa (Offline)
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09-24-2007, 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
That is part of the problem, Nantena, but you gotta understand, your rapeability is just not very high. Hell, you could walk down the back streets of johanasberg and feel safer than a kangaroo in its mothers pouch! ... LOL, that sounds funny. <Om, I am starting to be mean but>. *Looks both ways* but its what is on the inside that counts, right?

... *holding back laughter* ...
*waves banner* WOOOHOOO! You spelled my name right!! XD I'll let you have a ride on ma broom cause I'm such a nice witch today.

Aaaanyhows. XD How would you know anything about my rapeability? You don't care for the looks of legal girls, do ya?
I might go to Johannesburg. It sounds loooovely!~ Maybe we could go together. You're not really in the dangerzone of gettin' raped either. XD On the other hand.. they might have children there.. Oh well.. nevermind..

Anyway, Kittie's the only one I care about for a round of raaaping. XD *licks Kittie* Oh well. XD And Choco.... *smirk* I got both of them on that area for sure.. :3

Originally Posted by clairebear View Post
If people think nantena is pretty, they'll vote for her. end of >_>
Exactly. ^_^v And thanku for the vooootes precious people. <'3

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