Thread: The JF God
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(#183 (permalink))
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Housetek (Offline)
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09-24-2007, 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by DietWeebs View Post
Damn.. well I was wrong.
Wo bu shir dao.

haha okay, I hope you KNOW Japanese.
mmm i know lil japanese, people dont use that term any more in japan since its kinda old fashion.

Eeetoo.. Daijobu Desu,

Kyoskite, watashiwa abunai desu yo neeeeee

for the most part some people will just see my picture and just vote b/c they may think im cute or what ever yeah.

as for people who back me up and whatnot, i've spoken to them on the forum for quite some time and it'll show in past threads and post.

as for my Sig being covered in my pics, i made thos a while ago when i figured out how to make .gifs and was playin with photoshop, i was pretty proud of the fact i made some spiffy and funny lookin pics.

one showed me drunk off my butt in Tokyo, another was just me doin wacky faces, and one was just a cool pic i made.

i never saw the harm in adding it in my sig. but since people are gettin the notion that im all about myself so i removed them.

but like we discussed you havent been here too long, so you wouldnt know which person is my friend or who i just voting b/c they like the way i look.

and you go on to say about my "followers", i do consider most of the people on jf my friends.
but you maybe right there are people who may just like me for what i look like..

but i ask you why does that bother you so much?

what ever you may want to believe ( people just like me for my looks), i do take a lot of time out my life to write and reply to pms and to write extremely long and detailed threads.

Even when i was in Tokyo, i would meet up with people in public places and show them around.

I would hope that these qualities would outshine my picture. but i guess ill have to take my pictures away to have people understand that im more then a mindless model.

although for future references i retired for entering any sort of contest on jf due to the fact that it springs up ill will and a lot of haters.

MR.JF & Jf God
heres a personal Ty to all who voted and participated
please check out the videos and subscribe!

feel free to pm/aim/msn me for any Q's on Japan
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