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DarklightAkito (Offline)
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Smile 09-24-2007, 10:47 PM

I understand what your saying because someday in the future I want to visit and maybe live in Japan, and actually very recently I've been hearing these same things, about racism and foreigners and stuff. But I say you shouldn't be afraid though. I read some online stories from people who visited Japan. Check out these links:
Black Travels - Foreigner in Japan

Based on what I read, I dont know what to think, but I'll consider it anyway, especially since Japan is a country I've always dreamt about visiting. You should too. Of course there are some racists there, but you might not meet them, maybe you will, don't think about it, think about what you might like about being there. Racism exists everywhere, maybe not everyday or in every person and place, but it does, so as I previously said, don't worry about being scared and racism and sexism, think of what you might like about it what who knows? What you may benefit from it. You may even like it. So if it's something you really want go for it!

Konnichiwa Minna
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