Thread: new mods?
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alchemistchild (Offline)
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09-25-2007, 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by IamKira View Post
I don't want anyone to take offense to this, but I have noticed lately that the only really active mod is Kanji, and Kudou does his share of work as well....but for the most part, the burdens are stacked on Kanji.....I would like to propose finding two very active, and responsible people to give a mod position to......I believe it would be best for the forum in order to stop spammers and flammers in their tracks......lately I have noticed an increased number of these, and a decrease in activeness of the mods except the two mentioned I would ask for the consideration of two new mods. I believe they should be from different time zones.....we should spread out the duties so as to assure that there is a mod who will take care of a situation as soon as possible after it arises.........thank you........
My thoughts exactly...
anyone have ideas as who can qualify as moderator
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