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JF Ossan
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09-25-2007, 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by Lilongyue View Post
China is the same way, BIG drinking culture, and very hard to do business if you don't drink or smoke.??It's easier to get out of smoking than drinking though.??Feigning a medical condition is also the best way to not drink in China.??Drinking things like tea, coffee and alcohol is forbidden when taking traditional medicine, so you can always say you're sick, and most people will respect it. But you can only use that excuse for so long, haha.

Even what is considered alcoholism is different over here in Asia. In China most men drink beer with lunch. If you walk into the office smelling of alcohol in the middle of the day in the States you'll be in trouble. You can even drink beer with breakfast over here. It might get you a few strange looks, but no one would say you have problem.
That's true to a certain degree in Japan. When I was a teacher there, I remember a few teachers that would come to school still red-faced and reeking of alcohol from the night before. It was never hidden, and they might say "Oh, I was out way too late drinking last night" before a nap at their desk.

I also would see women going shopping on weekdays sharing beers at 10AM before they start their quest for sales.
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