Thread: Problem
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(#33 (permalink))
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TheUnknown (Offline)
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09-25-2007, 02:47 PM

they mentioned in a previous post they were 16.
ops.. missed that.. everyone was posting long post..

no, quite frankly i didn't think he would, that was another reason i mentioned the unlikeliness of him winning. but, i could have been wrong. it's only fair to give people a chance.
like i said, it's fair showing him all the possibilities but you are telling him that he got a chance.. and infact a very very slim chance.. as you know he is not extra smart.. so he might take as "yay! i'm going to get that chance, then i dont have to work and have a band and i can chill and no hardwork".. get what i'm saying?.. the thing is i dont expect a topic like this to be made, so kinda shocked myself..

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