09-25-2007, 11:48 PM
sorry =P got carried away. i can't help myself, i think it's the Asian in me... we're so sexually driven most of the time =P
Touya, you weren't online when we jumped on the bed >.< i would've invited you. actually it didn't start off a group orgy - i don't think so anyway. Eiri just joined in. and we didn't mind.. =P
did i forget Uruha??? O_O >gasp<
Sorry Uru-chan...
>gives Uruha a purple fairy floss and grants him entry into the purple sky world<
and Yoshiki!
>apologises and hands Yoshiki a purple fairy floss and also grants him entry into the purple sky world<
and Touya... have another purple fairy floss
>hands Touya a purple fairy floss and lets Touya into the purple sky world<
now. PG rated. alright. let's all just dance to Vanilla then ^_^
after Gackt finished with his shower, that is >.>