Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#94 (permalink))
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Tenchu (Offline)
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01-18-2007, 02:00 AM

*(Post rated PG, contains imoral messages)*

Tenchu -

I awake as someone jumps on top of me... I open my eyes and see Elsa, the little blonde 7 year old girl (the really really pretty one) that had bought me to Disan. She was untieing me. "Elsa" I say, "How'd I get tied to this bed?" "Your friend Tatsu did it" she replies. "He is not my friend, I am just curious about him" I reply bluntly. She stops for a second and grins at me "I am your friend though, arnt I?" I smile back "Yes, you are." "Hn hn,' she laughs, "I have never had a friend before, you know." "Well you have one now, but why'd you choose to help me like this?" I say. "... Well, you did read my writing, you read it just right... ... ... I guess I just like you!" Just then, she is almost finished untieing me, and she kiss me, she wants it something bad. I start to blush, I am a little unsure of my moral standing, so I just play along with her, thinking she probably knows better than I do anyway. Then she finishes untieing me and I sit up on the bed. "Tatsu is in trouble now" I say. Elsa picks up her broadsword that is way to big for her and flings it onto her shoulder - she has no sheath for it, and frankly I am surprised she can lift it. "yeah," she says grinning, "lets get him." "Where are my swords though?", I ask. Elsa shrugs. "Tatsu" I say. Elsa nods. "Well, see you in the seventh light" Says Elsa. I have no idea what she means, but then she just disapears in a mist of icy air. She vanished!!! "ELSA" I yell, disapointed my new sexual imouto has disapeared... My attention turns to the door then as I smash through it. I will get Tatsu, he stole my swords and tied me up. They don't name me The Demon of Time or The Man with the Iron Fist for nothing. Tatsu, when I find you, you'll pay...
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